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Independent Living Program


The HUB's Independent Living Program

Our Independent Living Program (ILP) serves youth ages 16-20.

We focus on Five Pillars for growth: housing, employment, education, well-being and financial literacy.

The ILP team works closely with The HUB to plan events as well as have classes sessions beginning in the Spring and Fall that revolve around the Five  Pillars. We incentivize these workshops in order to assure that youth get the information they need to become more independent and be prepare for when they age out of our services. Case managers provide mentorship and are the liaison for community resources. We also work closely with social workers and everyone in the youth’s support group and can assist in advocating for youth needs.

In ILP we strive to provide youth with the information and resources needed for youth to be a successful independent adult by the time they turn 21. Our only requirement is for youth to meet or connect with their ILP case manager at least twice a month. That can be done by attending a curriculum class, talking to their case manager via phone or in person, or attending an event.

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